Friday, July 13, 2007

Spam is a solved problem

Executive summary: Spam is a solved problem, email works again. There are a few knuckle draggers out there who haven't noticed yet, but we'll get around to dealing with those shortly.

I've been looking over my log summaries again. My regular logs get rotated out of existence after seven days, but from the summaries I do keep around, it looks like various made up addresses have been used as spammers' fake From: addresses for about a month. I was too busy with other Very! Urgent! Things! to notice at first, but it finally dawned on me when I searched my mail server logs for "Unknown" as in "Unknown user" and saw from the results that somebody, somewhere, was using that domain for generating sender addresses.

After about two weeks of observation and collecting made up or generated addresses for my traplist, my conclusion is what the title of this post says. Spam is not a problem anymore. I know, of course, that "how to cope with email and spam" self help guides are best sellers, and a recent piece even went so far as saying about email,
Now, it seems, we're drowning. There's simply too much e-mail. The tide of spam buries valuable messages.

That kind of surprises me, because it's not what we're seeing here at all. Of course we know that there's a lot of junk being sent, but ask any of the people on the sites I run on any given day how much spam they've received recently and they have to look up the date of the last one in their "Junk mail" folders.

I do see some spam myself, mainly because I still fetch and read mail I receive at an ISP address I've used a lot for USENET and mailing lists over the years. And since unfortunately no method ever has a zero error rate, occasionally a spam message or two trickles through that shouldn't have on the systems I run myself. But if the tide of spam buries valuable messages, you haven't kept up with the technology, plain and simple.

By and large, from the perspective of somebody who has been the purported sender of an unknown portion of the tide which drowns out the writer's messages, it looks like spam is treated correctly or at least in ways that do not annoy others unnecessarily at most sites. (In all fairness that piece is more about email versus other types of writing than technical matters, and certainly worth reading for that reason. The same writer has written a number of other articles which are worth your time too.)

At the last count, our main spamd running gateway had all of 316 addresses in the local spamd-greytrap table, meaning that only that many hosts have actually tried to send mail to one or more of the addresses listed at our spamtrap page during the last 24 hours. Some of the trapped machines would have been active spam senders, and most of the rest seem to have been sites which were configured to receive spam and bounce back to the From: address when the spam was not deliverable.

That is an important point to note. If your system sends a 'message undeliverable' bounce message for spam sent to a non-existent user, it is configured to deliver spam to the users you do have, and there are certainly ways to avoid that. I've decided not to plug any of my other writing directly in this post, but you should be able to find the references easily enough if you're interested.

Reading the spamd logs is sometimes quite entertaining if you're that kind of guy or girl. Here is one example of a site with clearly deficient spam and/or malware filtering, possibly their own homebrew:

Jul 14 09:13:28 delilah spamd[29851]: From:
Jul 14 09:13:28 delilah spamd[29851]: To:
Jul 14 09:13:28 delilah spamd[29851]: Subject:
Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

It does not matter much to us, but they'll be unable to get mail through to us for the next 24 hours.

The next one is clearly problematic, since whoever set up the system appears to have left back in the time when there still was a chance that spammers used real addresses. Or maybe the poor wretch stayed on and now suffers from delusions, incompentence or both:

Jul 13 14:36:50 delilah spamd[29851]:
Subject: Considered UNSOLICITED BULK EMAIL, apparently from you
Jul 13 14:36:50 delilah spamd[29851]:
From: "Content-filter at" <>
Jul 13 14:36:50 delilah spamd[29851]: To:

Would SPF have helped? Possibly. We have our records set up, but clearly these guys are not using it in any meaningful way, and after -- what is it -- five years it's still not clear which of the competing RFCs with varying degrees of proprietary content is going to come out on top.

Staying out of our traplist would have saved some resources on their side. On our side, well, we have a working system. Email works. Mail from us has to go through our mail server. Incoming mail needs to clear spamd's greylisting (and really needs to come from IP addresses which are not in any of the blacklists we use) and pass content filtering inspection by spamassassin and clamav, all of it conveniently within reach on any freely available BSD system. The content filtering packages are available on your favorite Linux as well, but on our sites, we use OpenBSD and FreeBSD.

Living spam free and unworried by malware is possible. If you make a few right choices it's actually easy, it doesn't cost much and just imagine how much of your time you stop wasting.

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