Sunday, December 21, 2008

Into a new year, slowly pounding the gates

The distributed but clearly coordinated bruteforcers are still at it. How long until they reach the end of the alphabet? And why are they staying away from my OpenBSD machines? Are we seeing the contours of a controlling intelligence?

As large parts of the Western world prepares for the holidays, the swarm of little robots that started trying to pry open the doors to my machines some weeks back are still at it. As far as we can tell, the coordinated attempts started some time in early November or perhaps late October (we don't keep logs around for long enough to be sure), with an alphabetic progression that has now progressed to somewere into the os. The complete listing from the time I started noticing up to the time I started writing this column can be found here.

I've written about this before, and in fact one of those columns was slashdotted, a pleasant surprise to me and a cause of some excitement among my colleagues at FreeCode.

After writing that article, I did some further research and found out that a precursor to what we are seeing now was observed as early as May 2008, as described in an Ars Technica article published at the time. That article also reveals, via Linuxtoday, that yours truly was among the many who failed to understand the problem, at least for a while. Then again, maybe actual log excerpts would have helped.

The problem, such as it is, seems to be that a somebody who herds a botnet has decided that the laws of big numbers favors those who keep trying for long enough. User names and passwords are generally far enough from random that if you are allowed to go on for long enough, you will sooner or later manage to guess a correct combination of username and password and get access to a machine somewhere.

Sysadmins have been seeing bruteforce attacks for years. The traditional brute force attack would be a rapid succession of login attempts from one host, and usable countermeasures were devised in short order. My favorite of course involves PF, and the description of how to thwart traditional bruteforcers is one of the more popular pages in my PF tutorial.

The distributed, slow bruteforcers are different. For one, the login attempts from each host out in the cloud are spaced far enough apart in time that intrusion attmpt detectors will not trigger. Next, it takes a keen eye to spot the common thread in the attempts spaced up to a number of minutes apart: a monotonously alphabetic progression of user names, with attempts coming in from different hosts. Some number of attemtps at a specific user name, before the cloud moves on the next one, in alphabetic order.

During the period we have been observing the slow brute activity, a total of 695 hosts have been involved. A total of 665 hosts made unsuccessful attempts at authenticating at the hosts we are observing during November, while the number for December so far is 346. The typical number of attempts per user name has decreased, too, from a typical ten do fifteen during the early days down to between one and four during the last couple of weeks.

I thought at first that the decrease in activity was just an indicator that compromised hosts were getting cleaned up, but my colleague Egil Möller was the first to suggest that since we know the attempts are coordinated, it is not too far fetched to assume that the controlling system measures the rates of success for each of the chosen targets and allocates resources accordingly.

If Egil's assumption is right, we are seeing the bad guys adapting. My systems do not run any services they do not need to, and apparently all attempts at gaining access have been futile so far. So, the controlling system shifts resources to elsewhere, even if the access attempts do not stop entirely. Come to think of it, I'm not seeing any attempts at all on my OpenBSD systems, so it is possible to speculate that whoever is behind this phenomenon has decided that OpenBSD systems are hardened enough to begin with and usually run by compentent paranoids as to be useless as targets. That would be a comforting thought at the end of a long and sometimes trying year.

Speaking of the new year, look for exciting announcements coming from FreeCode. We're working on some cool things. And with a bit of luck, I might run into you at one conference or the other during the coming year.

Happy holidays to everyone.

 A Better Data Source Is Available
Update 2013-06-09: For a faster and more convenient way to download the data referenced here, please see my BSDCan 2013 presentation The Hail Mary Cloud And The Lessons Learned which summarizes this series of articles and provides links to all the data. The links in the presentation point to a copy stored at NUUG's server, which connects to the world through a significantly fatter pipe than has.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Small Update About The Slow Brutes

Slow and steady might actually do it, eventually.

The reactions to my December 2nd column hit me with a bit of surprise. The column was taken on by slashdot and Linux Today both, producing a largish number of page views, but only two clicks on my featured ads. But while my clickthrough rate is not particularly interesting to others, the comments to the columns sometimes are.

If you look at the comments at slashdot and elsewhere, most of the commenters most likely did not actually read the column in full or did not take the time to digest what it actually said, with some notable exceptions. And yes, there were others, some also wrote in via email with informed comment - thanks!

For the benefit of those who did not get the point the first time around, I'll try once more to explain what the observations are and what they may in fact mean.

A number of commenters offered well meant advice to use packages like fail2ban, denyhosts or a few others.

The common denominator for all of them is that they track single hosts that make a larger than usual number of connections or are the source of a number of failed logins higher than a certain threshold value over a set time period. I appreciate your concerns, but the subject of the column did not fit well with the way those the packages work.

In fact, a similar scheme was already in place at the site that provided the data. The machines that provided the ssh logs are FreeBSD ones (as the sharper ones have observed already, and the reasons may possibly be revealed over beer sometime), but any gateway under my control will run OpenBSD, and by extension, PF (and yes, there is a book you might want to order from one (North America) or the other (Europe and elsewhere) of the OpenBSD project's sites). For a quick fix of background, the online PF tutorial may be worth a look.

Anyway, the /etc/pf.conf at that site's gateway contains the lines

table <abusive_hosts> persist
block log quick from <abusive_hosts>


pass log (all) quick proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port ssh flags S/SA keep state \
(max-src-conn 15, max-src-conn-rate 7/3, overload <abusive_hosts> flush global)

Those lines provide a variation on the logic that those posters recommended. Essentially, any host that tries 15 or more simultaneous ssh connections, or come in at a rate of more than seven over the span of three seconds, will be added to the table <abusive_hosts>, and the block quick rule blocks any further access from those hosts. Yes, flush global means what you think it does.

This works at the network level. For a gateway with a potentially large number of hosts on either side, the success or otherwise of eventual authentication may not be relevant and may be better dealt with elsewhere. Anyway, at the time I started working on this column, the table <abusive_hosts> on the gateway contained only two hosts:

:~$ sudo pfctl -t abusive_hosts -v show

I keep offenders in that table for 24 hours only, I do not believe in the permanent bans that some commenters advocate. After all, there is such a thing as DHCP, and entire netblocks are reallocated with amazingly short intervals.

Anyway, looking at the authentication log on the gateway reveals how those hosts got added to the the table in the first place:

:~$ grep /var/log/authlog
Dec 5 22:50:30 delilah sshd[15266]: Did not receive identification string from
Dec 5 22:50:37 delilah sshd[6106]: Did not receive identification string from
Dec 6 01:29:58 delilah sshd[30359]: Failed password for root from port 47071 ssh2
Dec 6 01:29:58 delilah sshd[7293]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:29:59 delilah sshd[4395]: Failed password for root from port 47296 ssh2
Dec 6 01:29:59 delilah sshd[27615]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:00 delilah sshd[12248]: Failed password for root from port 47330 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:00 delilah sshd[24579]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:01 delilah sshd[3434]: Failed password for root from port 47380 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:01 delilah sshd[32737]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:02 delilah sshd[11984]: Failed password for root from port 47425 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:02 delilah sshd[27059]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:03 delilah sshd[13345]: Failed password for root from port 47459 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:03 delilah sshd[1858]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:04 delilah sshd[12739]: Failed password for root from port 47516 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:04 delilah sshd[16843]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:05 delilah sshd[13796]: Failed password for root from port 47564 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:05 delilah sshd[16789]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:06 delilah sshd[628]: Failed password for root from port 47602 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:06 delilah sshd[6162]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:07 delilah sshd[2579]: Failed password for root from port 47646 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:07 delilah sshd[12461]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:08 delilah sshd[12725]: Failed password for root from port 47685 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:08 delilah sshd[29909]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:09 delilah sshd[16560]: Failed password for root from port 47724 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:09 delilah sshd[1690]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:09 delilah sshd[1600]: Failed password for root from port 47771 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:09 delilah sshd[28882]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:10 delilah sshd[29953]: Failed password for root from port 47807 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:10 delilah sshd[15349]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 01:30:11 delilah sshd[2962]: Failed password for root from port 47845 ssh2
Dec 6 01:30:11 delilah sshd[27557]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye


:~$ grep /var/log/authlog
Dec 5 23:55:30 delilah sshd[24338]: Did not receive identification string from
Dec 5 23:55:35 delilah sshd[23570]: Did not receive identification string from
Dec 5 23:59:58 delilah sshd[10216]: Invalid user raimundo from
Dec 5 23:59:58 delilah sshd[10216]: Failed password for invalid user raimundo from port 35776 ssh2
Dec 5 23:59:58 delilah sshd[18515]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
Dec 6 00:00:01 delilah sshd[17353]: Invalid user joan from
Dec 6 00:00:01 delilah sshd[17353]: Failed password for invalid user joan from port 37570 ssh2
Dec 6 00:00:02 delilah sshd[30314]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye

which again shows that these were the old-fashioned, rapid-fire kind of bots. Looking a bit closer even reveals that they kept trying after they were put in the doghouse:

:~$ sudo pfctl -t abusive_hosts -vT show
Cleared: Sat Dec 6 01:30:11 2008
In/Block: [ Packets: 18985 Bytes: 835336 ]
In/Pass: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]
Out/Block: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]
Out/Pass: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]
Cleared: Sat Dec 6 00:00:02 2008
In/Block: [ Packets: 800 Bytes: 48268 ]
In/Pass: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]
Out/Block: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]
Out/Pass: [ Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 ]

And of course there were no traces of those IP addresses or corresponding host names in the authentication logs in the machines where I have collected the data about slow bots. My best guess at why is that the gateway's IP address is at the low end of the routable range for that site. Note to bruteforcers: try working the Internet in reverse next time. (Not that it would help much here, but that's another story.)

The reason why I don't see much activity for other services is simply that those machines do not run all that many services, and only the services they actually run for the world's benefit are in fact available to the outside.

My log data shows a definite pattern, and the alphabetic progression points to a degree of coordination. The slow bots are, I theorize, operated by a botnet herder who has a large pool of compromised hosts available and who also believes that given enough time, sooner or later you will find a correct combination of user names and passwords for a given host. Statisticians tell me that assumption is in fact valid, at least to some extent.

By setting up the necessarily large number of attempts to come from a sizable number of hosts in either round-robin or pseudo-random order and intervals for each individual host's attempts in the several minutes to hours range, there is a very real possibility that the slow but determined campaign for control of any single system will drown in the noise.

It is useful to keep in mind that malware moved out of the hands of pranksters and vandals years ago. Mass destruction of systems or data might still make the occasional headline, but staying out of the limelight is likely to be a lot more profitable. Modern malware masters want their creations and charges to stay undetected. What we may be seeing right at this moment is that they have realized the herd may only be sustainable if they grow it slowly.

If you are interested in researching the phenomena I've blogged about, you're welcome to contact me directly for more information or raw data.

 A Better Data Source Is Available
Update 2013-06-09: For a faster and more convenient way to download the data referenced here, please see my BSDCan 2013 presentation The Hail Mary Cloud And The Lessons Learned which summarizes this series of articles and provides links to all the data. The links in the presentation point to a copy stored at NUUG's server, which connects to the world through a significantly fatter pipe than has.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A low intensity, distributed bruteforce attempt

We have seen the future of botnets, and it is a distributed, low-key affair. Are sites running free software finally becoming malware targets?

Note: This piece describes illegal activity I detected in 2008, targeting SSH servers. Later pieces in this series would hint at the existence of a specific piece of Linux malware, which I had not identified at the time this piece was written.

NOTE: A version without trackers but “classical” formatting is available here.

Phase 1: “That's odd …”
During the last few weeks, I noticed an anomaly in the authentication logs on one of my listening posts. There were a larger than usual number of ssh login attempts overall, a higher than usual number of attempts for non-existent user names as well as some failures for a few that actually exist as well.

Looking at the log directly a typical progression would look like this:

Nov 19 15:04:22 rosalita sshd[40232]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:07:32 rosalita sshd[40239]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:10:20 rosalita sshd[40247]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:13:46 rosalita sshd[40268]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:16:29 rosalita sshd[40275]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:19:12 rosalita sshd[40279]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:22:29 rosalita sshd[40298]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:25:14 rosalita sshd[40305]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:28:23 rosalita sshd[40309]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:31:17 rosalita sshd[40316]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:34:18 rosalita sshd[40334]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:37:23 rosalita sshd[40342]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:40:20 rosalita sshd[40350]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:43:39 rosalita sshd[40354]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user alias from
Nov 19 15:46:41 rosalita sshd[40374]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 15:49:31 rosalita sshd[40378]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 15:55:47 rosalita sshd[40408]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 15:59:08 rosalita sshd[40412]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:02:06 rosalita sshd[40455]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:05:08 rosalita sshd[40459]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:08:16 rosalita sshd[40465]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:11:24 rosalita sshd[40486]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:15:00 rosalita sshd[40491]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:17:43 rosalita sshd[40497]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:20:54 rosalita sshd[40506]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:24:09 rosalita sshd[40529]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:28:11 rosalita sshd[40538]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amanda from
Nov 19 16:30:15 rosalita sshd[40551]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amavis from
Nov 19 16:34:31 rosalita sshd[40567]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amavis from
Nov 19 16:36:40 rosalita sshd[40574]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amavis from
Nov 19 16:40:05 rosalita sshd[40596]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user amavis from

- and so on, with a striking regularity. See for example the attempts to log on as the alias user, 14 attempts are made from 13 different hosts, with only trying more than once. Then thirteen attempts are made for the amanda user, from 13 other hosts. The pattern repeats again for users amavis, apache, at, and goes on with others, apparently trying users in an alphabetic sequence.

Phase 2: Not your run of the mill screwup, the data say
Repeated login attempts for non-existing users are nothing new (in fact the bruteforce avoidance section is one of the more popular parts of the PF tutorial), but I was a bit surprised to see the attempts actually reaching this machine, which is on a local network behind a PF gateway with a configuration that is in fact closely related to the one in the tutorial (and the book for that matter). Then looking at the log entries, I noticed a few more things: The attempts are never less than a minute apart, and the attempts from a single host are separated by much longer intervals. The full data set I extracted from the point I started noticing those anomalies sum up to these figures can be found here, in case you want to look at it and draw you own conclusions

Some one-liners give us illustrative numbers:

peter@thingy:~$ wc -l slowbrutes.txt
16727 slowbrutes.txt

That is, over this period there were 16727 failed ssh login attempts at this host. A large number for this particular machine, but not enough to raise eyebrows by itself at larger or busier sites.

More than sixteen thousand attempts, but for how many invalid user names?

peter@thingy:~$ grep illegal slowbrutes.txt | awk '{print $13}' | sort -u | wc -l
peter@thingy:~$ grep illegal slowbrutes.txt | awk '{print $15}' | sort -u | wc -l

That is, approaching three thousand unlucky guesses, coming from 671 different hosts.

How many valid user names did they stumble upon?

peter@thingy:~$ grep -v illegal slowbrutes.txt | awk '{print $11}' | sort -u | wc -l

A grand total of two, one of them the rather obvious root, for a total of

peter@thingy:~$ grep -vc illegal slowbrutes.txt

1698 attempts, coming from

peter@thingy:~$ grep -v illegal slowbrutes.txt | awk '{print $13}' | sort -u | wc -l

566 different hosts.

The patterns that emerge from the data, with the alphabetical ordering and apparent coordination, point to a botnet herder trying out new methods. Intrusion detection systems and adaptive firewalls are generally tuned to detecting things like large numbers of simultaneous connecions or a high rate of new connections from a host. Distributing the task of bruteforcing passwords to several hosts could seem like an inspired way to come in under the radar wherever relatively smart systems are in place. Setting the herd to attempt at a low frequency would likely mean that those failed attempts simply drown in the noise at higher volume sites, and will not be noticed.

Phase 3: Are you one of their guinea pigs, too?
There are indications that the method has not been quite perfected yet. At the start of this run, the bots would make at least ten attempts before moving on down the alphabet. Now it seems enough bots have been taken out of circulation that the typical number of attempts per user name is closer to three, with some tried only once:

Dec 2 11:45:59 rosalita sshd[55775]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heaven from
Dec 2 11:48:16 rosalita sshd[55778]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heaven from
Dec 2 11:50:39 rosalita sshd[55791]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heaven from
Dec 2 11:55:26 rosalita sshd[55811]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heavynne from
Dec 2 11:57:57 rosalita sshd[55814]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heavynne from
Dec 2 12:00:20 rosalita sshd[55836]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user heba from
Dec 2 12:07:37 rosalita sshd[55879]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hector from
Dec 2 12:09:58 rosalita sshd[55882]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hector from
Dec 2 12:12:33 rosalita sshd[55901]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hector from
Dec 2 12:14:51 rosalita sshd[55905]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hedda from
Dec 2 12:17:21 rosalita sshd[55911]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hedda from
Dec 2 12:19:48 rosalita sshd[55914]: error: PAM: authentication error for illegal user hedda from

From where I'm sitting it's hard to tell whether the lower number of attempts means that the machines have cleaned up by their legal owners or whether they have simply taken out of rotation by their herders. Even with the initial 14 attempts per user name the chance of actually finding a valid combination of user names and passwords would be slim but not non-existent, but decreasing the number of attempts per time unit will necessarily make the chance of eventually finding a valid pair even smaller.

Apparently I'm not the only one seeing the slow brutes, as this post to openbsd-misc indicates. The sensible countermeasure could be to disallow shh password logins and allow only key logins, probably easier to set up and enforce than network-level measures. With the slow rate of attempts and the relatively large number of hosts involved, the undesirable traffic here is relatively hard to distinguish automatically from innocent errors unless you make have any attempt to log in with an invalid user name a sufficent reason for blocking traffic from that host.

Phase N: The shape of things to come
In the longer term view, this may very well be the shape of botnets to come. With a large enough pool of compromised hosts under their control, future botnet herders can afford to organize their activity so any one host only participates in undesirable activity at intervals long enough that malware detectors do not trigger (and thinking further ahead, if the world ever does go IPv6 wholesale and you can expect any one network interface to have dozens of IP addresses, think again how much more interesting detecting botnets becomes).

Antiware vendors will likely put their spin on this too when their marketing departments start noticing columns (Hey! It's Linux they're targeting!), but then as regular readers know, the more productive approach is always to reduce malware masters' target area by using systems that are less vulnerable because they have been extensively audited and whose makers are unafraid to make source code available for public inspection and experimentation.

As people who ran into me at the recent PF tutorial in London or at OpenCON will already know, have I joined FreeCode, the Norwegian free software consultancy. We expect to keep doing fun and useful things with free software for customers and friends, and some of it may be interesting enough to be the topics of future columns.

 A Better Data Source Is Available
Update 2013-06-09: For a faster and more convenient way to download the data referenced here, please see my BSDCan 2013 presentation The Hail Mary Cloud And The Lessons Learned which summarizes this series of articles and provides links to all the data. The links in the presentation point to a copy stored at NUUG's server, which connects to the world through a significantly fatter pipe than has.