Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A Simpler Life: Trapping Spambots Based on Target Domain Only

If you want to hurt spammers, you can get away with maintaining a list of domains you want to receive mail for in your spamd.alloweddomains.

I have at times written at length about spam countermeasures, and I must take responsibility for sometimes going into too much detail about options and nuances that are on offer if you enjoy fighting back at the spammers and watching them fail.

So it was a bit refreshing to be reminded that you can, in fact, make good use of the OpenBSD spam deferral daemon spamd(8) without maintaining lengthy lists of anything or even pulling in externally generated data, unless you want to.

The key to the simplest version of spam fightng life with spamd(8) is to put a list of the domains you do want to receive mail for in a file called spamd.alloweddomains, in /etc/mail/ if your system runs OpenBSD, and in /usr/local/etc/spamd/ if you are setting up on a FreeBSD system. Make sure the file is readable for the user that runs the spamd(8) process, and restart or reload your spamd.

The result will be that any host that tries to deliver mail to addresses that are not listed in spamd.alloweddomains will be greytrapped and added to your spamd-greytrap. The host will be stuttered at until it gives up.

If you have no use for external blocklists or allowlists, you can even empty spamd.conf if you want (or comment out any content with # hash characters). The spamd process will run fine without one.

Here is an example lifted from my server recently:

Jan 23 15:18:27 skapet spamd[84681]: (GREY) <> -> <>
Jan 23 15:18:27 skapet spamd[4259]: Trapping for tuple win-4tti4dh7sgh.domain <> <>
Jan 23 15:18:27 skapet spamd[4259]: new greytrap entry from &kt;>M to <>, helo win-4tti4dh7sgh.domain

Needless to say I am not Microsoft, so is not in's /etc/mail/spamd.alloweddomains.

If you want to pull in external blocklists or pass lists, you can pull in a spamd.conf with content. One useful starting point is the default version, or if you want you can stat with mine, which pulls in some other resources.

Finally, if you want to run a mail service, do yourself a favor and not only read the relevant man pages, but also sign up for the mailop mailing list, read the Mailop FAQ and the Best Services for Servers document.

Thanks to Michael Lucas, who wrote a message on the mailop mailing list that spurred me to write this article.

If you want to dig deeper in matters related to spam, greytrapping and the OpenBSD spamd(8) program in general, here are a few resources for you:

In The Name Of Sane Email: Setting Up OpenBSD's spamd(8) With Secondary MXes (also with trackers)

Badness, enumerated by robots (also with trackers)

Goodness, Enumerated by Robots. Or, Handling Those Who Do Not Play Well With Greylisting (also with trackers)

Three Minimalist spamd Configurations for Your Spam Fighting Needs (With Bonus Points at the End) (also with trackers

Maintaining A Publicly Available Blacklist (tracked only, sorry)

Effective Spam and Malware Countermeasures - Network Noise Reduction Using Free Tools (also tracked only, sorry)

The Book of PF, 3rd edition (now again available as physical copies)

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